A disorder involving infection and inflammation of the sinuses of the head. The sinuses are openings in the bones around the nose.
There are 4 pairs of sinuses connected to the nasal cavity by small openings. Normally, air passes in and out of the sinuses and mucus and fluid drain from the sinuses into the nose.
Sinusitis occurs when there is an undrained collection of pus in one or more of the sinuses. Disorders that cause swelling of the membranes of the nose, such as allergic rhinitis or viral respiratory infections, are the most common cause because the swelling prevents fluid from draining out of the sinus normally. A deviated nasal septum or other obstruction of the nose may also trap fluid in a sinus.
Occasionally, swimming or immersion of the head in water may allow water and bacteria to enter the sinus, causing irritation and infection. When sinusitis recurs frequently, or lasts for a prolonged time, it is classified as chronic. The pain of sinusitis results from the inflammation itself or from pressure within the sinus from accumulation of undrained fluid.
Symptoms are headache (in the front of the head or around the eyes), facial pain around the eyes or in the forehead or cheeks, pain in the roof of the mouth or teeth, nasal drainage (yellow, yellow-green, thick), fever, chillis, general ill feeling, occasionally, facial swelling around the eyes.
In homoeopathy medicine like Bell, Kali bich, Sangu, Lyco, Sticta, Prunus spinossa, Glonine are used for the treatment. The proper analysis of the case with the qualified homoeopathic physician will give the better results.