It is a chronic inflammation of bladder layers .Infections are the commonest cause of inflammations. Females can be more affected than females as female genital area harbor bacteria that can cause cystitis.
Signs and Symptoms of cystitis are A strong persistent urge to urinate, Burning sensation when urinating, Passing frequent small amounts of urine, Blood in urine, Passing cloudy or strong smelling urine, Pelvic discomfort or pain, A feeling of pressure in lower bladder.
Low grade fever, Painful sexual intercourse, Seek immediate help, Back Pain, Fever with Chills.
Homeopathy treatment can definitely improve quality of life in both physical and sexual spheres .
Few homeopathic remedies like Apis mel, Apocyanum, Berberis, Cantharis, Causticum, Digitalis, Equisetum, Terebintha, Merc cor, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Borax, Pariera, Sarsaparilla, Sepia are found useful in such conditions .